GCC condemns Israeli attack on Nuseirat, calling it a heinous and terrorist crime

The Gulf Cooperation Council has condemned in the strongest terms that Israeli attack on the Nuseirat Camp in Central Gaza, which left at least 200 people and wounded hundreds. 

The GCC said the international community mu
st act to stop Israel’s repeated and systematic crimes against the Palestinians.

It said the attack in Nuseirat “a heinous and terrorist crime.” 

Earlier, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned an Israeli bombing of a school in Gaza affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which was sheltering displaced persons.

The attack killed over 200 Palestinians and injured numerous civilians, accroding to Gaza's health ministry, most of whom were women and children.

Egypt on Saturday condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli attacks on Nuseirat Camp in central Gaza that killed over 150 Palestinians. 

“Egypt holds Israel legally and morally responsible for this flagrant assault, demanding that Israel comply with its obligations as an occupying power and cease the indiscriminate targeting of Palestinian civilians, including those in areas where they have been displaced,” the foreign ministry said.
It also said that intensive efforts were being made around the clock to ensure a permanent ceasefire is implemented in Gaza and that all land crossings are opened to allow the delivery of aid into the enclave.

A bomb used by the Israeli military to strike a UN-run school in Gaza, killing at least 45 people including women and children, was made in the US, a new investigation has revealed.

A video reviewed by the New York Times and corroborated by weapons experts showed that the remnants of the device dropped on the school in Nuseirat, central Gaza, was a GBU-39 — a bomb designed and manufactured by aviation and defense giant Boeing.

“This distinct nose is unique to the GBU-39 munition series, and, due to its solid construction, it can survive the blast intact,” Trevor Ball, a former US Army explosive ordnance disposal technician, said, adding that the damage caused to the building is evidence of the use of this type of precision-guided weapon.

A similar analysis by CNN appeared to confirm these findings.

The Israeli military confirmed it carried out Thursday’s airstrike, stating it targeted a Hamas compound operating inside the school. It added that “many measures were taken to minimize the danger of harming uninvolved individuals,” including aerial surveillance and “additional precise intelligence.”

Philippe Lazzarini, the director of UNRWA, wrote on social media that around 6,000 Palestinians had been sheltering in the school complex.

The school was also attacked in mid-May, during which the Israeli military claimed to have killed 15 Hamas militants.

Footage uploaded to Instagram and Telegram on Thursday shortly after the strike shows the nose tip of the GBU-39, along with objects such as cans of food and clothes covered in rubble near the site of the strike, suggesting the damage was recent.

In one of the videos, a man can be seen recovering body parts from the scene, holding up a severed finger to the camera.

This incident marks the second time in two weeks that separate investigations have confirmed the use of US-manufactured munitions in deadly Israeli attacks on displaced Palestinians.

In May, US-made weaponry appeared to have been used in a strike on a displacement camp in Gaza, during which at least 45 people died and more than 200 were injured after a fire broke out.

According to the New York Times, US officials have been encouraging the Israeli military for months to use GBU-39s, a lighter and more precise alternative to the heavier and more lethal 2,000-pound bombs previously used in the campaign.

“While they’re using smaller bombs, they’re still deliberately targeting where they know there are civilians,” Bryant added.

“The only thing they’ve done in going down from 2,000-pound bombs to 250-pound bombs is killing a few less civilians.”

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